

Today, it is the *1st anniversary of Jane's corner view, congratulations dear Jane! 
For this occasion, I chose the evening theme. My evening yesterday was sad and dark, not for personnal reason, thanks god...  But I wish I was there, in our portuguese summer house .  
Alone, with family only, and nothing else. 
Hopefully, tomorrow is an other day...

21 commentaires:

  1. Et bien la vue de votre maison de vacances me coupe le souffle! Bon courage pour les moments compliqués alors... et vivement les vacances!

  2. Ui, tantas saudades!Muita força, vais passar, não tens nada a temer!!Beijo enorme:)

  3. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I wish you could be in your Portuguese summer house too. It's lovely to be with family in a place full of memories.

  4. J'éprouve parfois aussi ce sentiment de vouloir retourner à des moments des lieux où l'on semble protéger de tout. Je t'embrasse bien fort.

  5. Great photos; especially in the last post. I have truely enjoyed reading you post. Thanks for a great year!

  6. oh, i'm sad to hear that. hope this evening will be extra kind to you.

    what a beautiful photo.

    and happy corner view birthday!

  7. Rooo! ben dis donc, j'espère que ce n'est pas mon mail qui t'as mi le bourdon.
    Mais tu sais, aujourd'hui, il fait le temps d'une vrai tempête bretonne: sad&dark. Biiiize

  8. J'espère que ta soirée sera moins triste que tu retrouveras bientôt ce bel endroit et cette drôle de lumière de nuit...

    Il me semble qu'une petite carte vole vers toi...

  9. beautiful photo-hope you can soon dwell in that beautiful corner of the world.

  10. This view is so beautiful and calm. Happy Anniversary! xo

  11. mmmm so true- portugal in summer is pretty wonderful. we were there two years ago.... bliss:) wishing you happy days my friend:)

  12. yep, saudades, saudades.....faz me pensar a vista da minha casa !!! 2 meses e meio ate la.....

  13. This photo is really moving, something about it evokes a memory for me, of what I don't know.

    Here's to a happy day! Come see/hear my giveaway, a child singing...

  14. Quel reve cette maison! La region a l'air magnifique... Je comprends que cela puisse te manquer parfois. Je t'envoie un grand rayon de soleil!

  15. cette photo est magnifique, quel endroit merveilleux.
    J'espère que tout va mieux, bonne fin de semaine

  16. every day a new one indeed. I hope darkness and bleh go away and you can enjoy yourself :)

    that shot's fab. no wonder you'd rather be there.

  17. I hope all is well.
    I like your photo though.
