
lucky charm

If the girl in front of you is wearing this necklace, you can be pretty sure it's me*. On the beach, in my bed, in the bathroom, when I met for the fisrt time monsieur J. and then mamzelle I. 4 years later... everywhere, anytime. I absolutely never take it off. I think I can say now it became kind of a porte-bonheur...  
*corner view for Jane, with my new favorite summer shirt, thanks...

19 commentaires:

  1. j'aime beaucoup la chemise aussi ;)
    des bizzzz

  2. it is a very pretty one
    nice picture

  3. Why hello, you have a nice neck and I like the necklace. I had one slightly similar that my Norwegian host mother gave me when I turned 18, I wore it through getting lost in the Himalayas, through meeting my husband on the grey coasts of England and through the home birth of my first born son. It has great value to me and is almost like bringing with me (only on special days now) something of strength and light and hope. It has been probably a year now since I wore it and your post makes me want to run upstairs and put it on, the very feel of it in my hands is special. Thank you for the reminder and for sharing something so special to you with us out here.

  4. what a lovely thought, un vrai porte-bonheur indeed... it is lovely, and i like the story even better.
    (and in a funny sort of way, i guess your image and mine could pose alongside one another, for the occasion?)

  5. Love that part of you.
    I once had one similar...for the wrist. And I had problems with little hairs..hahaha.

  6. it´s lovely. i´d never take it off either:)

  7. Oh I like that... From now on I will be watching to find that necklace around a woman's neck ... it might be you :^)

  8. In Germany we say "Ein schöner Rücken kann auch entzücken" (= there's also delight in a nice backside)...in this case it's a nice neck(lace)!! ;o))

  9. you are so right! This way there is no way to loose it!

  10. je viens juste de rentrer...c'est drôle de te voir avec la chemise.je me demandais si tu la mettais...la preuve que oui ! :)
    toi et un peu de moi !

  11. j'aime le self-portrait qui en dit un peu tout en laissant du mystère... :)
    je passe mon tour because malade mais je m'amuse à découvrir les participantes du CV !

  12. A little porte bonheur bijou, joli joli!

  13. Merci pour ta visite sur mon blog. J'aime beaucoup le tien, c'est sûr, j'y reviendrais souvent. A bientôt.
